How to Layer Rugs Like a Pro

A rug is one of the easiest ways to add a little something to a room-a pop of color, some texture, an element of surprise-but with so many options, why choose just one? Layering a few rugs on top of one another is a trend that's proven to have staying power. But it can still feel a little intimidating to nail this designer trick without it feeling tacky, so we’re diving into our best advice on rug layering! Creating a hygge inspired space is possible with the added coziness that a layered rug detail provides.


Work with the Room

Layering rugs works best in a room where you have space and not that much furniture, like a bedroom, living room, or den. Our go-to layering combo is a tight weave, small patterned, neutral sisal or jute rug and layered on top with a low-pile vintage rug. We also love layering with more shag type rugs in small spaces like sitting rooms where you want to create a sense of intimacy & comfort in a relatively small footprint.


Color Coordination is Key

Years ago, the layering trend started with simply placing a patterned rug on top of a sisal or other natural fiber carpet. While that is still by far the dominant trend, don’t be afraid to shake it up! Today, it’s all about color coordination, working within a color palette, and mixing patterns. When mixing rug patterns it’s best to go with one very small patterned or textured rug and blend with a larger pattern or more intricate patterned rug. When working with geometrics, you can have one rug be a stripe while the other is another geometric shape, relate the patterns together through their shared color palette.


Rug Size Matters

Layering rugs works best when they are of different sizes. One should be large and more dominant and the others should be smaller and act as an accent. For the right proportions, try to keep the top rug is 2/3 smaller than the bottom rug. Another way to look at it is, to make sure at least 1 foot of the bottom rug is visible on all sides. When layering with shag rugs or asymmetrical cowhides it’s a good idea to add even more base rug visibility


Layering Asymmetrical Rugs

Your first large rug should be laid down straight according to the furniture, and the smaller accent rugs should be set on the bias. You won't know how it'll look until you're layering them in the room, so we like to experiment with angles & move the furniture around to see what works best. Poufs are a great item for spaces with layered asymmetrical rugs because they can provide connection and anchor the off-balance sense caused by the asymmetrical rug. When poufs are placed on the rug they can help enlarge the space and give it a sense of openness.


Layer Rugs Like a Pro


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